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Extraordinary Mission | Mary: The First True Disciple

People travel land and sea

With limitless exertion

Only for a grain of sand.

Should I not have zeal for you?

Should I dare not take a step

So God's sacrifice be not wasted?

St Louis Marie de Montfort

(Hymn 22:7)

As the world continues to grapple with Covid-19, Pope Francis reminds us that our mission as baptised Christians is to show by our lives, and our words, that God loves everyone and never tires of anyone. How easily do we confuse our agenda with the Lord's? How easily do we mistake our intentions for God's intentions, and think that by expanding our power we are extending the boundaries of the Kingdom of God.

Through a line up of 3 webinars and 1 day of recollection, the participants were invited to discover for themselves a deeper understanding and appreciation of what God's call for them is by taking the journey with Our Lady of Sorrows.

We humbly ask for your prayer and support so that we may be able to continue working towards inspiring and facilitating for each person to find their true purpose in life in the way of Montfortian Spirituality.

May Our Lady of Sorrows guide us to be a true disciple of Christ!



Montfort Centre is a spirituality centre established with the aim of promoting the spirituality of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. We conduct sessions in the Montfortian dynamism for those who are associated with St. Montfort.


624 Upper Bukit Timah Road Singapore 678212
Tel/WhatsApp: +65-67695711



9:00am to 5:00pm

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