The Montfortian dynamism is very relevant in today’s context for the building up a Just Society. In the process of building up a Just Society we are committed to facilitating for each person a greater sense of purpose in life and an increased commitment to the least among us.
Montfortian Gabrielite Associates is a lay movement in which its members live, share and promote the spirituality of total consecration as proposed by St. Louis Marie de Montfort.
Christian life is nothing less than a participation in the life of Jesus Christ and through baptism we belong completely to Christ. Hence, holiness is the common vocation of all Christians. Therefore one must deepen, renew and express in the faithful living of one's baptismal promises on a daily basis. However, a step like this is a step that one must prepare himself or herself to take. This process as proposed by St. Louis Marie de Montfort is known as the Preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary.
A people of God consecrated to Jesus through Mary.
To live, share and promote the spirituality of a Total Consecration
as proposed by St. Louis Marie de Montfort.
For more information, please email us at
Christianity that is fully alive is nothing less than a radical act of total self-surrender
and self-gift to the Lord Jesus Christ...
- Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM